There are just some tiny details left (besides the back deck, which they're currently working on at the moment).
Above, you can see one of the bathroom faucets, the drain for the shower, the nice pendant light we got from Schoolhouse (you can't see the lovely design on the glass shade), the twin sinks, the cute additional storage for the custom cabinet, the cheapo fixture from Ikea for the front office, the last little bit of molding, the toilet and the view from the new bedroom.
Left to be done: the nice oak topper that will go on top of the wall overlooking the stairs and the glass shower door. And a couple of the drawers in the bathroom cabinet had to be shortened (to accomodate the sink trap -- no biggie).
And the deck, which is proceeding along really well.
The contractor says that we can move upstairs next week.
It just doesn't seem possible...
Tad and I bought some closet organizers from Storables (they had a huge sale in January. I wasn't willing to go all out, but we got a few basic pieces that we'll cobble together with some existing drawers, etc, to make the space usable and add to it as we go along).