Here's one of the cats we saw in Cave Junction at the Great Cats World Park when we were down last week. I'm a little wary of visiting any kind of animal park because I'm afraid of getting depressed at seeing the little enclosures that the animals have to live in or see them get cowed into submission.
I was impressed with the wide variety of animals at this habitat and with how the owner obviously seemed to love and respect the creatures (many of them cozied right up to him).
Apparently this is one of the few organizations in the world that are allowed to simply release their animals into unenclosed locations, to allow photographers to shoot them in a natural setting (the cats return to them when called). In fact, the guide related that about 50% of the commercial photographs that you see of great cats (leopards, lions, tigers, etc) are of their own cats.
Anyway, while I still felt that the animal's enclosures were smaller than ideal, I walked away impressed with the experience.
(and the boys loved it, of course)
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