Philip Foster Farms, that is:
The boys started asking if I could chaperone months ago. My initial understanding was that we were visiting a chicken factory. I was pretty sure that after that we would never eat chicken again.
Philip Foster Farm, though, is a historical site near Estacada. The kids were split up into smaller groups and we visited station after station, grinding corn, loading up a wagon, washing clothes, building a log cabin and more. The kids loved it. You can see Colin waiting his turn to grind corn, above.
I had a spirited group of seven boys and three girls. One boy in particular was... well.... spirited. The blacksmith was so annoyed at his lack of manners and inability to stop doing things that he'd been told that he simply refused to talk for long stretches. Ack.
By the end of the tour, I was pretty tired of taking this child aside and having stern words with him and trying to not turn into a total witch.
At lunch, we regrouped with the other students and chaperones, one of whom was Tad. He seemed surprised that I'd been stuck with a group all on my own. By contrast, his group had a total of four adults squiring around a much more manageable group of eight kids.