Monday, April 26, 2010

O Possum!

Colin and Ethan love digging holes. I think they might just like an excuse to get really, really dirty.

They spent much of Saturday afternoon digging a hole that they claimed would trap Joey, the cat.

On Sunday morning, Ethan ran out to see what they might have caught in the trap. Imagine my surprise when I heard him shouting that he'd caught a baby possum!

Initially, we put some sticks into the hole and left it to see if it would climb out on its own, but it didn't.

We got the critter into a container.

In the meantime, we'd raised enough of a ruckus to alert all the neighbors, one of whom shared some advice on who to call for advice on what to do with it.

Dove Lewis was kind enough to refer me to the Audubon Society, who suggested that we release the baby near where we'd found it at dusk, to increase its chances of being found by mama. Interesting fun fact: she advised me to give it water and fruit-flavored yogurt.

She also affirmed to me that I hadn't simply grown possum mommy goggles and that it really was as cute as I was imagining it.

Apparently, they used to nurse baby possums (but no longer did it) and that the staff really enjoyed doing this. She gave me the okay to handle it, but perhaps with a towel for protection.

Look at that cute thing!

That evening, we gathered up all the neighborhood kids and carefully tipped the possum out of its box. Imagine the squeals of a half dozen little neighborhood girls: "How cuuuuute!!!" (yes, my thoughts exactly)

Inwardly, I hummed the tune to Born Free as we all watched the baby possum realize that it was now free and scamper away.

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