Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Li'l American Gladiators

Tad enrolled the boys in gymnastics, which is great. They're not particularly interested in athletics -- they're protested loudly at any idea of signing them up for soccer or Little League or the like. Luckily, they didn't mind gymnastics too much, otherwise, their skinny little bodies might start to atrophy.
It's also, appealing to us, as it's an activity that they enjoy that doesn't involve whacking each other with toy swords or pretending to otherwise incite violence upon one another. I'm not one of those parents who get really freaked out if they want to shoot at each other with nerf shooters, however an entire weekend of gratuitous mayhem can get a little wearing.
That's one of the reasons we decided to bring them to their gym (The Children's Gym) one Saturday.
We paid for a full hour, but after a while, their interest began to wane, so I got the idea to set up a half-pint version of American Gladiators, which perked up their interest quite handily.

(if you're on Facebook, you won't see the video until you click on "View original post" and go directly to the blog)

Hmmm... a violence-free weekend?

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