Our ex-neighbors, who moved in next door to us last Christmas eve and who have since purchased a big white house near Lloyd Center, hail from Italy, where children's birthday parties are a little different than here in the states.
I first got a whiff of this when I learned, earlier this week, that Davide had gotten a good start on party planning by purchasing all the wine that would be served at the gathering.
We were among the first guests and when we showed up with a set of brightly wrapped gifts, Olimpia (Olympia if you're americanizing it) was given a choice of doing it as the Italians do (which involves ripping off the wrap on presents upon arrival) or doing it as the Americans, which involves waiting for an appropriate time during the party and all watching the birthday child go through the show of opening each present and having the parents say, from the sidelines, every few minutes: "Say thank you to Aunt Polly," or whatnot. After the first few gifts, this can be a somewhat tiring exercise for all involved.
Given that choice, naturally Olimpia chose the Italian method, which nicely spread the gift opening session out quite a bit.
In addition to the carefully selected wines and champagnes, Davide had prepared a nice selection of appetizers, including a hunk of parmegianno-reggianno about the size of smallish person's head. See photo with Mickey Lindsey's head near it for a handy frame of reference.
There was also an excellent aged goat cheese. How often do you discuss excellent goat cheese at a nine-year old's party?
The kids simply ran crazy through the house while the adults socialized and ate good food. The birthday kidhad fun as part of the big pack, rather than reigning as the supreme princess/emperor of some elaborately planned out day. It felt more like a large family celebration which was a nice change of pace.
My favorite part: getting Olimpia an Easy Bake Oven with all the trimmings (extra mixes, coordinating apron, etc). I think half the reason you have kids is to be able to live out your own childhood toy fantasies through them (0r their playmates). I may need to offer to babysit Olimpia sometime soon...
Video is here (but probably not of interest to anyone other than the family and friends, although one cannot help but admire Davide's ability to fend off little boys' hands as he cuts the cake with what looks to be a really sharp knife).