For the last few months, we've been preparing for our house remodel. It's taken so long to get to here that it can hardly seem possible that we've overcome all the obstacles: party sewer lines, shared water mains, choosing an architect, figuring out financing. Figuring out financing AGAIN.
So many things!
Day one actually happened two weeks ago. I'd meant to post on this blog all our progress periodically, but, well, life gets in the way!
The story so far:
The contractor has cut out square holes in the concrete in the basement and dug down in preparation for the footings that will need to be put in in order to strenghten our supports, to hold up our bigger upper story. The back deck has been torn down and the unexpected concrete steps that emerged from under it has been jackhammered away. The contractor cut into some plumbing in the basement (of course, it's impossible to tell what's under there until you cut it away) that causes our kitchen sink to drain into a hole in the basement, rendering our kitchen sink and dishwasher unusable til it's resolved.
I will be grateful when it's done! It should be fine tomorrow...
Above is our current upstairs with holes cut in so the contractor could reach the utility chimney, which is coming down (we're switching to a side-venting furnace).
Tad and I have been working hard the last few weeks to move all the stuff out of the upstairs and our closets so that the contractor can get in and do what he needs to do...
More to come.
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